

Interested in contributing articles to InsuredR?

If you are an insurance professional or a writer or even an experienced blogger, we invite you to share your thoughts and knowledge with the readers of InsuredR. Editorial material appearing in the website and/or magazine is copyrighted.

Length, Submission Requirements:

  • A short biography of the writer is requested. Preferred formatting is Microsoft Word or any text-only format. In preparing your manuscript, keep in mind that the magazine’s readership is diverse.
  • Submission should be between 500 and 800 words in length.
  • Manuscripts are subject to editing for clarity, consistency, and style.
  • Language should be concise and clear. Use the active voice.
  • Authors are responsible for accuracy of all material reported.
  • Artwork and other illustrative materials can be submitted in standard electronic formats. Copyrighted art will not be accepted unless the copyright owner’s permission is given.

It is our policy that once a manuscript is in the editing process, no outside perusal is permitted. Edited manuscripts may not be subjected to a final review by the writer. All articles submitted for the print edition of InsuredR must be received at least two months before the date of publication, which is the first of every month, and/or 1-2 weeks in advance for the website.

Interested writers and contributors may email your articles to [email protected]